Gnostic is a system that allows any mentalists or mystery performer to be his/her own consultant. This is being dubbed as “arguably the most dangerous manuscript ever written”. Gnostic is structured so well for the stage performer, if placed in the wrong hands, it could legitimately start a cult.
Gnostic is not just an effect, its a full stage show. It puts the power in the hand of the performer. Why spend tons of money on mentalism consultants, when you can be your own consultant?
It really doesn’t matter what your stage persona is, Gnostic is a system that will allow you to perform mind reading and mentalism as clean as possible. People will think you are psychic! So use this manuscript with care.
You will be able to perform this for a packed stage audience, a small party, or close up.
What you will learn:
Pages: 28 – 8.5″ x 11″ – PDF FORMAT